... kreativitas hanya sebatas mimpi yang terbatas jika tak lekas diwujudkan dalam nyata yang jelas ...

Thursday 10 June 2010

Lesson Plan Expressing of Invitation




Nama Sekolah              : SMAN 1 Pati

Mata Pelajaran             : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester            : X/2

Pertemuan ke               : 2

Alokasi Waktu             : 2 x 45 menit

Siklus                           : Lisan


I.           Standar Kompetensi

                        Memahami  dan mengungkapkan makna  dalam percakapan transaksional/ interpersonal resmi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.


II.        Kompetensi Dasar

                        Merespon dan mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi)  resmi dan tak resmi secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan yang melibatkan tindak tutur: menyetujui undangan, tawaran, ajakan

                        (expressions of accepting/offering invitation).


III.      Indikator

1.      Mengidentifikasi makna tindak tutur kata : menyetujui undangan, tawaran, ajakan

(expressions of accepting/offering invitation).

2.      Merespon dengan benar terhadap tindak tutur: menyetujui undangan, tawaran, ajakan

(expressions of accepting/offering invitation).

3.      Melakukan berbagai tindak tutur dalam wacana lisan interpersonal/transaksional: menyatakan ketidakpercayaan

(expressions of accepting/offering invitation).


IV.      Tujuan Pembelajaran

1.      Siswa dapat mengdentifikasi makna tindak tutur : menyetujui undangan, tawaran, ajakan

(expressions of accepting/offering invitation).

2.      Siswa dapat merespon dengan benar terhadap tindak tutur: menyetujui undangan, tawaran, ajakan

(expressions of accepting/offering invitation).

3.      Siswa dapat melakukan berbagai tindak tutur dalam wacana lisan interpersonal/transaksional: menyetujui undangan, tawaran, ajakan ( expressions of accepting/offering invitation).



V.         Materi Pokok

Percakapan/dialog dan  pernyataan yang memuat ungkapan–ungkapan berikut:

A: Would you like to come to my birthday party tonight?

B: Sure.


VI.      Langkah-langkah Kegiatan

1.      Kegiatan Awal

·        Guru memberi salam dan mengabsen.

·        Tanya jawab sesuai dengan materi


2.      Kegiatan Inti

·        Siswa mendengarkan percakapan mengenai ungkapan menyetujui undangan.

·        Siswa menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan berdasarkan dialog yang telah dibacakan oleh guru.

·        Siswa mengidentifikasi kalimat yang menunjukkan ungkapan menyetujui undangan.

·        Secara berpasangan, siswa mempraktekkan percakapan yang sudah diperdengarkan.

·        Guru memberikan contoh-contoh ungkapan memberikan undangan dan menyetujui undangan.

·        Secara berpasangan, siswa membuat dialog sederhana tentang ungkapan menyetujui undangan.

·        Siswa mempraktekkan dialog yang sudah dibuat di depan kelas.


3.      Kegiatan Akhir

·        Guru dan siswa  mengulas pelajaran yang baru dipelajari

·        Guru memberikan tugas kepada siswa untuk membuat dialog yang berisi beberapa ungkapan menerima undangan (minimal 3 ungkapan) dan siswa harus mempraktekkan dialog tersebut pada pertemuan berikutnya.

·        Guru menutup pelajaran.


VII.   Sumber/Bahan/Alat

·        Buku Look Ahead 1

·        White board, boardmarker

·        Tape recorder

·        Kaset/CD

·        Script dari Look Ahead 1






VIII.                    Penilaian

·        Teknik: Performance Assessment (responding)

·        Bentuk: Pertanyaan lisan dan Praktek dialog


-         Scoring for answering question based on the dialogue.


§         Jumlah soal : 10 (sepuluh) butir (teks dialog/kuis)

§         Scoring :

1 Nomor soal

1 poin

Total maksimal

10 poin


-         Scoring for performing dialogue.













Sesuai materi, expressing dan situasi sesuai serta pronunciationnya lancar dan benar(fluently)

Sesuai materi, expressing dan situasi sesuai namun pronunciationnya biasa saja.

Sesuai materi, expressing dan situasi sesuai, pronunciation kurang jelas.

Expressing dan situasi kurang tepat dan pronunciation kurang jelas.

Tidak sesuai materi, situasi dan expressingnya, serta pronunciation buruk.







Mengetahui                                                                   Semarang, ……… 2010


Kepala  Sekolah                                                           Guru Bidang Studi




A. Wiyaka                                                                    Nurul Jannah

                                                                                    NPM. 07420843




Kegiatan Awal


a.       Teacher is opening the class.

Good morning, everybody. I hope you are all feeling well today. Be quiet, please. I’ll check your register.


b.      Question and answer with the students before discuss the main material.

1.      Who ever comes to your new friend’s house?

2.      How can you go there? Do you get any invitations?

3.      Did you accept or refuse the invitation?

4.      Who ever comes to a party likes birthday party, wedding party, or thankfulness?

5.      Did you get an invitation to attend the party?

6.      Is the invitation in oral or written form?

7.      Did you accept or refuse the invitation?

8.      Have you ever invited your friend to come to your house or have a dinner or attend to your party?

9.      How can you invite them?

10.  Did they accept or refuse your invitation?


Kegiatan Inti


c.       Listen to the following dialogue carefully.

Farah   : Hi, Tina. Long time not see you. Where have you been for long time?

Tina      : Hi Farah. I’ve just finished my study in Solo. How are you?

Farah   : I’m fine. You can see by yourself, I’m very healthy at this time. Oh, sorry, I’m in hurry now. I can’t talk with you more because I have to see my advisors in lecturer’s room.

Tina      : It’s okay. We can make another meeting to speak a lot, Farah.

Farah   : Oh, how about have a dinner in my house tonight?

Tina      : Sure. I’d be happy to come to your house, Farah.

Farah   : Okay. I’ll wait you at 08:00 p.m. See you, Tina.

Tina      : See you.


d.      Answer the questions bellow based on the dialogue.

1.      Where do you think the dialogue is taking place?

2.      Who are talking in the dialogue?

3.      What do Tina and Farah talk about?

4.      What have Tina finished?

5.      Where did Tina study?

6.      Why is Farah in a hurry?

7.      Farah invites Tina. What is the invitation about?

8.      Does Tina accept the invitation?

9.      How does she express it?

10.  What time Farah waits Tina to have dinner?


e.       After you read and answer the questions, now, identify the expression in the dialogue. You can discuss with your friend. Then, after you find the expressions, give underline to expressions.


f.        In pairs, practice the dialogue in front of the class.


g.       Here are the expressions of offering and accepting invitation.

a.      Offering invitation

-        Can I ... ?

-        Shall I ... ?

-        Let me...

-        Do you need ... ?

-        Would you like me to ... ?

-        Would you like to ... ?

-        I’d like you to come ...

-        I’d like to ask you to ...

-        How about ... ?

-        May I get/offer you ...? (more formal)


b.      Accepting Invitation

-        Thak you very much. That would be very nice.(formal)

-        Thank you, I’d be glad to go.

-        Yes, thank you. I’d be happy to go...

-        Thank you so much for inviting me ...

-        That’s very nice/kind of you.

-        Let’s meet at ...

-        Yes, I’d love to.

-        Sure.

-        Great

-        All right.

-        Yes, please.


h.       In pairs, make a simple dialogue which consist of expression of offering and accepting invitation, at least one expression. You may free theme invitation.


i.         Now, practice your own dialogue you have made in front of the class.






Kegiatan Akhir


j.        For the next meeting, make a dialogue which consist at least three expression of offering and accepting invitation. You can choose one of these scenarios.


1.      You will celebrate your birthday in your house and you want to invite only your close friends and your family.

2.      You and your friend want to make a simple books exhibition. You will hold a meeting and you want to invite the teacher, classmate and OSIS to the meeting.

3.      Your brother has a new distro in the center of your city. You want to invite your friends to come to the distro.


After you make the dialogue, please learn the dialogue because I want you to practice it in the front of the class next week.


k.      The time is up. Don’t forget with the assignment. Enjoy your day, class. See you and good bye.
































Kegiatan Inti


d.      The answers are:

1.      In a campus.

2.      Farah and Tina.

3.      Their conditions and dinner invitation.

4.      Her study.

5.      Solo.

6.      Because she has to see her advisors in lecturer’s room.

7.      The invitation is about having dinner in Farah’s house.

8.      Yes, she does.

9.      Sure. I’d be happy to come to your house, Farah.

10.  08.00 p.m.



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